Sunday, March 23, 2014


(Memory In Pictures and Videos)
Bhagat Singh                        Shiv Ram Rajguru                       Sukhdev Thapar

Chandra Shekhar Azad              Jatin Nath Das        

With more than a Billion Indians who enjoy living in a FREE India from British colonialism, I got tired of searching posts if anybody remembered the death anniversary of the one who turned the tide of seeking Freedom,  and got Indians united finally,  to seek a common goal of TOTAL FREEDOM for themselves. 

After much looking I found ONE on Facebook from Sanjiv Deshpande and ONE from Judah Waskar on WhatsUP. Surely not many Indians are AWARE or PROUD of their REAL freedom fighters who were not British created CELEBRITIES like GANDHI and NEHRU. 

However Judah's reminder has softened my disappointment and message which inspired me to divert my energy to create this blog that will remain on the internet forever to be shared with the people of the world who want to research the FACTS to seek TRUTH.

The SAD part remains to be seen is how many Indians will take the time to learn about the real reasons of their free and peaceful existence in India and also for those living Overseas.

The True reason why India got TOTAL FREEDOM

The sacrifice of these real freedom fighters was the main contributing factor why India got TOTAL FREEDOM from the British rather than COLONIALISM which was being accepted by moderates such as Nehru and Gandhi. After the cowardly execution of the 3 revolutionaries, who had not committed any serious crime deserving of such a stringent sentence, it was apparent to all Indians that they cannot allow the British to control them anymore. The moderate politicians then changed their demand  from COLONIALISM to TOTAL FREEDOM. 

The British feared this outcome and to avoid a rescue reprisal, they executed them one day early and tried to smuggle their dead bodies for cremation by breaking the rear wall of the prison so as to not enrage the people gathered at the front entrance. They then hacked their bodies in a desperate attempt to accelerate their cremation in a futile attempt to hide their dastardly acts.  

One might wonder why Indians must have so must lost  love for the British who ruled India for 200 years. The British committed crimes in India and rest of the world, same as what Germany did in Europe. The Germans were punished and made to pay a hefty price, something the British have not done as of yet. 

A little child brings tears to my eyes when he asks HOW CRORES (10,000,000) OF INDIANS COULD NOT OVERTHROW A FEW LAKHS (100,000)  OF BRITISH. There is a simple answer to this, it is a combination of Lack of Self Respect, Cowardice, Selfish Greed and above all, a lack of the desire or motivation to remain UNITED against a common aggressor.

It is important to note that the British used the LACK OF RESPECT of the Indians for themselves by enforcing them as slaves, to commit senseless inhumane acts of torture and enforced submissions. Who did the dirty task of the British against the Indians? The Indians themselves who deemed the White British aggressors as superior to themselves and sucked on the soles of their new rulers instead of remaining united among themselves.

(Soldiers who fired at defenseless Indians killing thousand innocent 
people at Jailanwala Baug were of Indian stooges working for the British)

Remember who wrote India's Fictional History - The Victors of WW2 - The British.

May we never forget such selfless heroes who shaped the future of India's democratic freedom.

(Important News item to expose British Crimes in India)

Video: Rare Pictures of Bhagat Singh

VIDEO: Gandhi inspired by Singh

Memorial On Facebook


Movie: Shaheed - Bobby & Sunny Deol

Movie: Shaheed - Manoj Kumar

VIDEO: Movie: Shaheed - Manoj Kumar


Movie: Legend of Bhagat Singh  
(Movie Link:

 VIDEO: Movie Shaheed-E-Azam (Low Budget)

Comments by Pradeep G. via email:
Thanks for sending this along. I feel every Indian and every person of Indian origin should see these movies, because they reinforce history in a way that people are not likely to forget so easily...i.e. visuals are better when it comes to retention....and as we all know, "those who forget their history....". 

This cowardice is not limited to the British; it was all colonial powers and wherever people belonging to colonial powers settled, for e.g. Portugese, Spanish, Dutch etc were no better. This was a colonial "template" which they applied in all colonies everywhere they set their dirty foot in. Interestingly corporations are applying a similar global template, in a subtle manner, where they rule by corrupting the leaders, so that they can sell utter junk and sometimes harmful products and make huge money in the process. 

I have a feeling that culturally we have a different yardstick when it comes to "bravery". In Indian culture, from what I have understood, bravery is standing up to people equal or better than yourself and winning or at least not giving up. But winning by deception is never classified as "bravery" and is never held up as an example to be followed. Whereas in the western culture, over and over, I see the same pattern, of winning by deception and then hailing that as "bravery" or even holding that as an example to be followed. The Islamic world and the Christian world in some sense share the same definition of "bravery" and even in the case of colonies, the church was an equal participant and benefactor of the brutality and inhumane treatment of the "colonial subjects". In the muslim world too, the victors and "victors" whatever means they adopted to win, so far as it was directed against "non believers" - whereas in "indian culture" this is never the case. I don't know of even one ruler who is hailed as a "good ruler" or "leader" who went around pillaging, looting and raping, their adversary, and is hailed as an example. 

The americans did exactly the same to defeat the American Indians....pure deception and back stabbing. Otherwise we would have had different heroes in America, the ones who were brave, honorable and tough. 

The other aspect is how the losers are treated. Again the same pattern is repeated; that of totally detaching the population from their cultural roots, so that people are broken financially, culturally and spiritually. Today the descendants of the brave American Indians are rotting in poverty in small remote reserves, where you would be shocked to know that male life expectancy is just 47 years! The British tried that and were successful to a large extent - but not entirely Indian art/culture/music is now making a resurgent comeback and is showing its richness, for those who understand the finer aspects. 


Comments by Judah W. via WhatsUP: 
Important Message :
23rd March 1931 in the morning,legendary BHAGATH SINGH, RAJGURU, SUKHDEV were hanged to death for our nation. But today we don't even remember their names. At least u can share this message

to 1 Indian and salute their sacrifice.  "JAI HIND"



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